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Idol Worship – Form of God Needed to Steady the Mind. Muslims & Christians Too Use Forms

The enclosed teaching of Swami Sivananda has been taken from his book: World Peace (page 23).

Though all religions admit that the Highest Truth is nameless and formless, they also teach that in the initial stages of Sadhana, a name and a form are necessary. Generally, people say Hindus are idolaters. A Muslim-brother has also got some symbol to remind him of Allah.

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He thinks of the Kaaba. This is an anchor which is necessary in the beginning in order to steady the mind. Similarly, the Christian has got the Cross. The Hindu has got the Murti. It is not an idol for him. He superimposes on it all the attributes of the Supreme Lord.

Only the microscopic minority can take up Nirguna Upasana (nameless and formless worship). 99.9% of devotees will have to fix their mind on a name and a form. These forms are not illusory. Lord Krishna appeared before Ekanath. Vittala appeared before Tukaram in the form in which he worshipped Him.

Eventually this form also disappears and the devotee experiences the Nirguna Brahman (God without attributes). Read the teachings of Tukaram. He says that if you worship the Lord in His Archavatara with great devotion, Vedantic meditation will come by itself, the name and form drop off and you will attain Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

You should have the same reverence to the Prophet of Islam as you have for Lord Krishna or Lord Jesus. Love must take its abode in your heart. You only love your friends and relatives and that too, for the sake of some material gain. Your heart should expand. You should cultivate cosmic love.

That is the secret of peace, harmony and unity. Serve all. Love all. Be good and do good. Think no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, introspect regularly. Meditate. Remove your own defects. Realise your essential Satchidananda Swarup, not in the unknown future, but right now, this very second. May you all become Jivanmuktas (the living free) in this very birth!

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