Discover Advaita Vedanta

God is One, His Names and Forms Are Many | Swami Sivananda (VIDEO)

Can a devotee of Lord Shiva visit the temples of Lord Vishnu, or of Devi (i.e. the Divine Mother Gayatri, or Kali, or Parvati etc.)? A disciple once asked Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society, this question. The God-realized sage responded by outlining the fundamental Advaita Vedantic truth of the Oneness and the Sameness of God, which has been proclaimed in the Rig Veda as – “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti.”

A spiritually illuminating explanation of this verse from the Rig Veda, by Swami Sivananda, in this video.

FREE Books

The above video references Swami Sivananda’s book May I Answer That. Other wonderful books by Swamiji on this topic include: God Exists, Kingly Science, Kingly Secret and Lord Siva and His Worship. For a complete list of free books on Yoga and Vedanta by Swami Sivananda click here.

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