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Great Gurus Come in Their Subtle Body, to Pick Up Disciple’s Soul at Death

Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramakrishna Mission

Kusum, a child widow was very much devoted to her Guru and lived an austere life. She was initiated by Swami Subodhananda, a direct disciple of Thakur Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa.

The story goes that she died at the age of forty. On the day that she passed away, a light was seen above her house; her Guru was also aware that she had passed away.

After sometime, Swami Subodhananda visited that area where Kusum had once lived and came down with a high fever. He was put into a guest-house alone, where he tossed and turned all night.

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Suddenly, he saw Kusum sitting by the bed, fanning him. He asked “Kusum, where have you come from? Did you not die?”

“Yes”, she replied, “Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna) has sent me.”

“What happened the day you died?” Swami Subodhananda asked.

“I was in great agony,” she explained, “and I was calling on you and suddenly I found you had come, hooded and took me by the hand. We both ascended into the air higher and higher until we reached a wonderful place. You removed your hood and I saw the face of Thakur Sri Ramakrishna smiling.”

I asked Thankur, “What happened to my Guru (Swami Subodhananda)?”

Thakur Sri Ramakrishna replied: “It was always me but you were calling on your Guru, so I had to take that form when I came to you.”

Source: Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore

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