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Guru Vandana | Brahmanandam Param Sukhdam | Dedicated to Pandit Shriram Sharma, Mataji & Shail Didi (VIDEO)

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Sung by the Brahmavadini Sisters, Shantikunj at the Mumbai Ashwamedha Yagya 2024

Guru Vandana from the Guru Gita – Brahmanandam Param Sukhdam Shloka with English Translation

Om Brahmanandam – To the guru, who is the knower of Brahman (God)
Param Sukhdam – Who is established in bliss,
Kevalam – Who is the only Being that exists in the Universe,
Gyanmoortim – Who is the embodiment of all knowledge in the Universe;

Dwandwatitam – Who is above duality,
Gagan Sadrisham – Who is vast like the sky,
Tatwa Masyadi Lakshyam – And who is firmly established in the Self;

Ekam Nityam – Who is the one true existence, who is eternal,
Vimalam Achalam – Who is pure and unshakable,
Sarvadhi Saakshi Bhootam – Who is the witness consciousness to all our actions;

Bhavahtitam – Who is established in samata (equanimity) having conquered all emotions (greed, lust etc.),
Trigun rahitam – Who is beyond the 3 gunas (sattva, rajas & tamas),
Sad Gurum Tam Namami – To such a true guru, I offer my heartfelt salutations;

Akhand Ananda Bodhaya – Who helps us attain the highest bliss of Sat Chit Ananda,
Shishya Santap Hariney – Who removes the sufferings of the disciple,

Sat Chid Ananda Rupaya – Who is the physical manifestation of Sat Chit Ananda;
Tasmey Shri Gurave Namah – To such a guru I offer my heartfelt salutations from every pore of my being.

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