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Hanuman Chalissa Vs. Aazaan – Attempt by Short-sighted Politicians to Weaken India

As I read the newspapers, with their headlines of how some politicians in India want loud speakers to be placed near mosques and Hanuman Chalissa blared from them, in a petty tit-for-tat move to counter the daily Aazaan from mosques, I thought of the above quote of Swami Vivekananda.

Such a misuse & hijacking of Sanatan Dharma by politicians, should be strongly condemned by all Hindus. Selfish politicians are using Hinduism to create a permanent vote bank for themselves, by promoting hatred between Hindus & Muslims. These politicians neither respect and revere Hinduism, nor do they have proper knowledge of Sanatan Dharma.

They are merely using Hinduism as a convenient tool to further their hold on power. The unbridled lust for power of these greedy politicians, is weakening the unity of India tremendously.

As Sri Aurobindo has warned such acts of whipping up communal hatred in India, create the EXACT conditions for an invasion by China. It is standing ready with a huge military build up on our border, looking for a chance to pounce and devour us.

China has already attacked us twice, most recently in Galwan. It is laying claims on the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. It recently renamed many villages, rivers and mountains in Arunachal Pradesh in the Chinese language so that it can in the future, make the claim that these areas were historically part of China. The same strategy by which they annexed Tibet is being redeployed in India. They have already occupied large parts of India’s north (Aksai Chin) and are planning to do the same with Arunachal Pradesh.

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The long-standing unwarranted mutual distrust between Hindus and Muslims, has not only been the cause for the partition of India, but it is also a big reason why a small nation like Britain, could overpower, subjugate, colonize and pillage our much larger nation. We were so busy pulling each other down that we had not the strength or foresight to checkmate the advances of the British East India Company. The British knew full well the deep rooted suspicions between the 2 communities and so they used the spade of Divide & Rule to dig our grave. And we are headed towards making the same mistake yet a third time, by giving China the same handy spade of Divide & Rule.

When we weaken India’s unity by hatred, any foreign power will take advantage and attack. An invasion from China will ERASE Sanatan Dharma from India COMPLETELY and plunge the world into darkness for centuries. This is Mother Mirra & Sri Aurobindo’s prescient warning.

(For more on their warning, watch our video: Communalism & China – 2 Threats Which Can Wipe Out Hinduism & Vedic Culture From India. Also read: Mother Mirra’s Vision of China Invading India & Their Horrendous Capacity of Brutality)

So please do not fall for divisive politics. Hinduism is NOT under any threat from Islam or Christianity. This is a fake ploy of asuric (anti-divine) forces.

Satyug is about to descend. Sanatan Dharma’s lofty ideals are spreading and will spread even more, until eventually they are embraced by the whole world. We can already see how rapidly people across the world have adopted Yoga, Meditation, Mantra Chanting and Ayurveda.

Their health and mental-well-being benefits are being appreciated by all. A true Sanatan Dharmi therefore stands for Unity in Diversity & Religious Harmony – which is the call of our Rishis.

“Remember always that in the Mussalman too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother India has given a permanent place in her bosom.”
Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: Early Political Writings, page 24

“Of one thing we may be certain, that Hindu-Mahomedan unity cannot be effected by political adjustments or Congress flatteries. It must be sought deeper down, in the heart and in the mind, for where the causes of disunion are, there the remedies must be sought.

We shall do well in trying to solve the problem to remember that misunderstanding is the most fruitful cause of our differences, that love compels love and that strength conciliates the strong.”
(Please note that here Sri Aurobindo is referring to the Congress Party’s policies as they existed in the pre-independence years 1909-1910. This was the time when Sri Aurobindo wrote the Karmayogin from which this quote is extracted.)
Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: Early Political Writings, page 24

“The Mahomedan, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian in India will not have to cease to be Mahomedan, Hindu, Buddhist, or Christian, in any sense of the term, for uniting into one great and puissant Indian Nation.

Devotion to one’s own ideals and institutions, with tolerance and respect for the ideals and institutions of other sections of the community, and an ardent love and affection for the common civic life and ideal of all – these are what must be cultivated by us now, for the building up of the real Indian Nation.”

Sri Aurobindo, Bande-Mataram

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