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“Hindus and Muslims of India Must Unite” – Sri Aurobindo

The following excerpt has been taken from Sri Aurobindo’s speech that was broadcast on August 15th 1947, the eve of India’s Independence from the British. In it Sri Aurobindo, the sage who undertook immense Tapasya to create the necessary conditions in the subtle realm, so that India could become free in the physical realm, in this speech Sri Aurobindo exhorts Indians to unite into one body of humanity, so that India could fulfill her Divine role of ushering in the descent of Satyug – a golden era of truth, honesty, love, peace and prosperity for the whole world.

For India to be Jagat Guru (the world’s guru), she has to lead by example. She cannot preach the Vedantic truths of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the whole world is our family), and “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma” (the Divinity of God resides in the souls of all), unless her people implement these ideals in their own thoughts and actions first. Now, although Sri Aurobindo speaks of the unity of Hindus and Muslims in this speech, his thoughts naturally extend to other religions as well, which are practiced within India and all across the world.

“The idea of two nationalities in India (that all the Mohammedans in India are descendants of foreigners) is only a new-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussulmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves.”
– Sri Aurobindo

Hindu Muslim Unity

“India today is free but she has not achieved unity. The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient.

For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. India’s internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated.

This must not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that that may come about naturally, by an increasing recognition of the necessity practice of common action and the creation of means for that purpose. In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form — the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India’s future.”

– Sri Aurobindo in a speech he broadcast on 15th August. To read this speech in its entirety please click here.

On Pakistan – Pakistan Must Reunite With India

I don’t want Pakistan to endure, made perfectly clear. Division must go—does not mean that division must be allowed to last in some form or other. Continued partition of India into two Federations one Hindu and one Muslim even if somehow connected together is no part of my idea of the Union of India.

– A note written by Sri Aurobindo in March 1949, preserved in the book Autobiographical Notes on page 514.

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