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Do Not Look For Faults in Others, It is Harmful

The enclosed teaching of Holy Mother Sarada Ma has been taken from the essay: Holy Mother’s Prescription for Peace by Pravrajika Virajaprana.

Mother compassionately told a disciple: “To err is human. One must not take that into account. It is harmful for oneself. One gets into the habit of finding fault. Do not look for faults in others, or your own eyes will become faulty”.

Again she warned us: “Don’t hurt others’ feelings. By indulging in rude words one’s nature becomes rude. One’s sensitivity is lost, if one has no control over one’s speech. And once a man casts all consideration for others to the winds, he stops at nothing”.

Mother is cautioning us not to allow negative thoughts to gain entry into our minds. She once remarked: “I cannot see anybody’s faults. If a man does a trifle for me, I try to remember him even for that. To see the faults of others! One should never do it. I never do so. Forgiveness is Tapasya”.

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There are countless incidents in Mother’s life when in spite of rude, outrageous behavior she patiently did whatever was needed for the other person’s good. She never condemned others or heeded others’ criticism or gossip.

No matter how much she was inconvenienced or insulted, she never took it personally; she always excused or overlooked reprehensible behavior. At the same time she didn’t condone immoral or unethical actions, but she had her own way of changing the tendencies of the person.

She remarked to someone: “Suppose one of my children has smeared himself with dirt. It is I, and no one else, who shall have to wash him clean and take him in my arms. To make mistakes is man’s very nature; but few of those, who criticize, know how to correct them”.

Mother had a delicate knack of dealing with erring humanity. She deeply felt for others and sympathized with them in their difficulties. Further Mother was a realist. She knew that there was no ideal situation in life—within the family, in work or human relationships. There is always a hitch somewhere.

Perfection cannot be found in this world. Since we can’t change people or circumstances, we have to change ourselves, our attitude of how we look at things. This is the way to peace. Seeing defects in everything and everyone around us doesn’t change anything. If we soak our mind in the dye of others’ faults, it becomes stained. Instead, if we look for others’ good qualities, we will become virtuous.

The above excerpt has been published here by the Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires.

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