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Errors During Japa

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Sri Sarada Devi

The following account has been given by Swami Saradeshananda in the book: Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi.

The monastic members at Udbodhan had different natures, but all were Holy Mother Sarada Ma’s sons, having equal claim to her affection. She was much concerned about their food, clothes and comforts. This reminds me of an incident. The Doctor Maharaj at Udbodhan (Swami Purnananda) was often late for dinner at night and used to be scolded for it.

One day he was more late than usual, and noticing that he also had to face unusually strong words, Mother drew him aside and gently asked him the real reason for this delay.

At her loving words, he burst into tears and said, “Raja Maharaj has instructed me to repeat the mantra 10,000 times keeping careful count, and in case of a mistake, to start all over again. If there be any error in counting, he says, demons devour the fruit of the japa.”

At the mention of the demons, Mother laughed and said, “Son! You boys are young and have restless minds, Rakhal has said this so that you may repeat the mantra with unwavering concentration.

But I am telling you to come for your dinner as soon as the bell goes, even if you haven’t completed the requisite number of japa. Nothing will be wrong with that. Complete it later when convenient.” His fears thus allayed by Mother’s assurance, thereafter Swami Purnananda was always on time for dinner.

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