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Holy Mother’s Boundless Compassion, Even While Being Sick

Holy Mother Sarada Maa

The enclosed enlightening excerpt revealing Holy Mother’s boundless compassion, has been taken from the book Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother by Swami Tapasyananda.

During Holy Mother’s last illness, when her body had become very much emaciated and she could no longer get up without being helped, her monastic disciples were speaking amongst themselves about her extreme suffering.

One of them said, “If the Mother recovers this time, we shall not allow her to give initiation any more. She is suffering so much because of taking upon herself the sins of so many types of people.”

On hearing this, the Holy Mother smiled and said, “Why do you say so? Do you think that the Master came only to take Rasagollas (sweets)?”

Urged by this maternal love, she used to initiate people regardless of the immediate condition of her health. Ill or well, when anybody went to her in a suppliant mood, her tendency was to satisfy him without any thought of her own convenience.

Once she was suffering from malaria at Jayrambati, and at the order of Swami Saradananda her attendants were not allowing any one to approach her for initiation.

A devotee from Barisal arrived, eager to see the Mother, but the disciples would not let him into her presence. This led to an altercation, hearing which the Mother came to the door and asked the disciple why he was not letting the gentleman in.

On being told of Swami Saradananda’s prohibition, she said sharply, “Who is Sarat to prohibit? I am born for this purpose. Eat something today. I shall initiate you tomorrow.”

For the devotee had gone there with the determination that he would eat only after initiation.

Many thanks to the Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires for providing us with the above excerpt. They have a Facebook page as well, which devotees can follow.

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