Discover Advaita Vedanta

BEST WAY to Contact God & Get His Guidance in Difficulties (VIDEO)

How can we contact God? How can we connect with Him, and present our problems to Him and ask for solutions? The powerful technique to do so has been enumerated by Paramahansa Yogananda. If we follow it, we will see that the answers and solutions do come. Now the answers/solutions do NOT come in the form of a voice in our head telling us what to do, rather they emerge out in subtle ways.

The answers may emerge in the form of intuition – we may get a new clarity and a new way of thinking about our problem, which we did not have before, and then we ourselves get equipped to resolve our own problem. If people around us are troubling us, there may be a gradual change in their attitudes. If we find ourselves stuck, new opportunities may suddenly open up before us. At other times when our mind is troubled, and we don’t know what to do, we may open up a book and find the exact guidance written in it etc.

God’s help comes in numerous subtle ways, but when it comes the sadhak KNOWS that such a help could not have come naturally, but that a Superior Power intervened to set things right.

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