Discover Advaita Vedanta

If Someone Treats Us Badly, What Should We Do?

Difficulties come always to make us progress (spiritually). The greater the difficulty, the greater can be the progress.
– Mother Mirra

What Mother Mirra means is that when we are faced with a difficulty we must, instead of getting upset and blaming others, try to look within and see what is it in our own nature that we need to fix in order to overcome the problem.

Suppose someone treats us badly. Instead of blaming them we should look within and cultivate detachment. Why should someone’s harsh words hurt us? Why be so fragile? It is the ego that feels the hurt not our soul. Soul is always blissful.

Further more only the opinion God holds about us should count. As long as we did everything honestly and sincerely, other people’s opinions should not matter. If on the other hand we did something wrong, we should acknowledge our error and fix it.

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