Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 2 – Meditate Better! Cleanse Mind of Bad Habit of Gossiping (VIDEO)

Improve your meditation – come closer to God – get God to answer your prayers! All by giving up the evil habit of gossiping.

My mind does not remain still during meditation. It wanders here and there. I am unable to concentrate – Have you faced these problems?

One reason why our mind flits around like a butterfly from one thought to another and refuses to stay still, is because we have not trained our mind to remain focused inwards. We have given it the opposite training of always going out into the world and seeking new and exciting things.

One of the excitements we have wrongly trained our mind to seek is gossip. We have trained our mind to revel in and enjoy new and exciting masala (salacious information) about our friends, neighbours and celebrities. A mind which is always seeking excitement, cannot keep still and focus. Hence we are unable to meditate.

Therefore if we want to reach God via concentration and meditation, then we have to cut loose the evil habit of gossiping, which not only causes our mental energies to scatter in wasteful topics, but which also adds significantly to our bad karma. How it does so, is explained in this video.

VIDEO: To Improve Your Meditation STOP Indulging in Backbiting – Why Can’t I Meditate? – Only a purified mind can meditate properly. Backbiting & Gossip are habits which pollute the mind. We must overcome these.

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