Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 8 – Want a God Realized Guru to Help You? Inner Contact is Must. How to Establish It?

“If you give up your lustful ways and lead a good moral life for 6 months, I shall accept you as my disciple.” Lahiri Mahasaya said to a person who had come to him for initiation.

  • – Did the man listen to Lahiri Mahasaya and reform his habits?
  • – Did the man succeed in establishing an inner contact with Lahiri Mahasaya?
  • – Can a disciple who is NOT sincere, succeed in receiving the help & protection of a God Realized guru like Lahiri Mahasaya?

What concrete steps should a sadhak take so that he/she can establish a firm inner contact with a God Realized sage, even one who has left the body? An inner contact after all is MUST if we want to receive the help of the guru.

Find out the answers in this video.

Book Referenced in this Video

  1. Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

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