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Resolve Your Doubts – Join Pulkit’s “FAQs on Spirituality” Newsletter


Subscribe to the “FAQs on Spirituality” Newsletter on Patreon

Over the years, people have asked me numerous questions on spirituality, and so I thought of chronicling these answers in a monthly newsletter service, so that the common doubts that many hold can get easily resolved.

This newsletter will be hosted on Patreon. You can subscribe to it here. On the 5th of every month, I shall send out a detailed answer to one Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on spirituality, which will be delivered by Patreon straight to your inbox.

What Kind of Questions will this Newsletter Address?

Here is a sample list of questions that this newsletter service shall address:

  1. What is the meaning of “Shivoham – I am Shiva”? How can I be Shiva? Is it not blasphemy to say I am God?
  2. Someone treats us badly & our mind gets disturbed. How can we maintain inner peace in tough situations? Can you give a detailed practical example? Is there any book that teaches us how to bring the mind under control?
  3. Is every illness due to bad karmas done in a past life?
  4. What if I pronounce the Gayatri Mantra wrong. Will something bad happen to me?
  5. Spirituality is all about forgiveness. So should we forgive the one who has harmed us or seek justice? Should a victim forgive their rapist?
  6. If Sri Ramkrishna is really an Avatar then why is his name not predicted in the scriptures? If he himself was Krishna then why is he not listed in the Puranas as one of the 10 Avatars of Vishnu?
  7. Can I choose Swami Vivekananda as my guru? What if he rejects me? What if he thinks I am not worthy of being his disciple?
  8. If Sri Aurobindo is still in his astral body, why do negative things happen in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a pious place?
  9. Why do I feel at times that the spiritual quotes you send on WhatsApp are meant especially for me, to resolve the very difficulty I am facing? Are they really messages from the Divine directly for me? Yes indeed they are! Discover the incredible spiritual reason in this newsletter!

Who Can Join & Pricing

This newsletter service is open to all globally. Anyone can subscribe. There are different Patreon subscription tiers which come with varying benefits, however all tiers will receive the same monthly newsletter. The lowest tier starts at $1/month (Rs. 80 per month). Whichever tier you feel comfortable supporting according to your finances, will be greatly appreciated.

How Will the Proceeds of this Newsletter Be Utilized?

The proceeds of this newsletter shall accrue directly to me (Pulkit Mathur) and not to the Spiritual Bee Foundation. They will be used by me to sustain my personal living expenses, as I do not draw any salary from the Spiritual Bee Foundation.

All donations which come into the Foundation are utilized to pay for Nikita’s (the young lady who assists me in making the daily quotes, posts & videos) salary, as well as technological (laptop, software, web hosting etc.), accounting, regulatory, audit filings and marketing expenses, needed to bring Vedanta to the doors of more and more people.

This FAQ newsletter service will thus assist me in meeting my living expenses. Another crucial need its proceeds will fulfil, is to take care of the 10 stray cats that live in my building’s compound. Funds from this newsletter will pay for their daily meals, vaccination and medical needs.

In India there are no organizations like ASPCA to care for stray animals. It is left to citizens to do whatever they can from their own side. The hunger, illnesses and accidents suffered by these cats are often heart-breakingly intense. Hence, a substantial chunk of the proceeds from this newsletter will be utilized to help them out.

Thank you for all the tremendous love & support you have showered upon me, as well as upon the Spiritual Bee Foundation,

Your sister & fellow devotee,
Pulkit Mathur
Founder, The Spiritual Bee

This non-profit work is made possible only due to generous donations from Spiritual Bee'ers such as yourself. Your donations cover our operating costs and help us offer the Sanatan Dharma teachings of our great Rishis for free.

Apart from uplifting people morally and spiritually, these Rishi teachings also provide crucial support to those dealing with loss of loved ones, anxiety, worry, suicidal thoughts etc.