The law of karma is one of the pivotal spiritual truths that underlie the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, upon whose mighty shoulders the Hindu religion rests. This same law of karma, with some variations, also underlies other great Indian religions of Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Even so, most of us Indians, unfortunately possess a very superficial understanding of karma, and because of this we end up harboring all sorts of odd misconceptions about this great law in our minds.
So in this video series on karma, we shall take a deep dive into understanding the nitty-gritties of karmic law as explained by the great sages of Advaita Vedanta, and try to answer some key questions that often arise in our minds, such as:
- Who keeps watch over all the good and bad deeds that we perform?
- Who judges our deeds?
- How is karmic punishment meted out? Who decides what punishment is appropriate for a given crime?
- Why does it take many life-times for karmic rewards and punishments to be dispensed? Why is justice not immediate?
- Why do good people suffer and the corrupt roam free?
- Are all misfortunes because of past karma? And many more..
So let us begin with the first video of this series which deals with: What is the meaning of the word karma, and what precisely is the law of karma?
Links to Free Books and Articles Referenced in this Video
- Is Watching Pornography a Sin? – Hidden Realities About the Porn Industry
- Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
- “Doctrine of Karma” by Swami Abhedananda
- Bhagavad Gita by Swami Sivananda
- Essays in Philosophy & Yoga by Sri Aurobindo
More Posts in the “Karma” Series:
- VIDEO: Part 2 – Law of Karma is Not Eye-for-Eye | Understanding How Karmic Justice is Dispensed – The law of karma is not an eye-for-an-eye type of petty and mechanical justice. There is a divine intelligence, the intelligence of our soul, which guides the law of karma and which responds rationally by scrutinizing the motives and intentions with which we perform each and every action.
- VIDEO: Part 3 – Some Stories in Mahabharata Imply Karma “IS” Eye for Eye? Can You Explain? – This video debunks the Gandhari & Insect Eggs folklore related to the Mahabharata, which implies the law of karma is an eye-for-eye type of barbaric justice.
- VIDEO: Part 4 – Can Divine Grace Wipe Away Our Past Karmas & Alter Our Destiny? – Can God’s Grace save us from bearing the karmic effects of our past actions? The answer revealed through the tale of Markandeya a boy fated to die at age 16.
- VIDEO: Part 5 – Does an Avatar Have Free Will, OR Is He Bound by the Law of Karma? – Does an Avatar take birth out of his own free will, OR is an Avatar compelled to be born in order to work out his past Karmas? Answer in this video.