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Power of Concentration: When Sri Ramana Learned a New Language in a Few Hours!

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Sri Ramana Maharshi

Once the owner of a mango orchard requested Bhagavan and his disciple, Palani Swami to come and stay there. There was only a thatched hut made of coconut leaves. Palani Swami and Bhagavan stayed there for six months, undisturbed, because the owner of the orchard strictly prohibited visitors.

This was the time when another facet of Bhagavan opened up. Palani Swami was thirty years older than Bhagavan and held a fatherly affection for him. Like a caring father, Palani Swami would go to the town library and get books for his adopted son to read.

Palani Swami’s mother tongue was Malayalam. The books he brought were, naturally, in Malayalam. But Bhagavan had no knowledge of Malayalam, as his native language was Tamil.

So Bhagavan requested him, “Palani Swami, teach me Malayalam.” Within a few hours, Bhagavan had picked up the language and was able to read, write, and understand it.

Kunju Swami told me that Bhagavan was an ekagrahi, which in Sanskrit means “the one with one-pointed observation.” Like the negative of a photograph, which, when once exposed, remains imprinted with the image, there was no need for him to refer to anything again — without mental distractions; he had a clear memory.

Source: The Human Gospel of Ramana Maharshi by V Ganesan.

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