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Is There a Mantra People on their Death Bed Should Recall?

Question: Is there a mantra people on their death bed should contemplate? Also what benefit would this bring?

Answer: Any mantra which is dear to one, can be recalled at the time of death. But note that this recall of mantra & focus on God can happen ONLY if the person has been practicing it all their life.

Normally a dying person’s mind is filled with worldly worries of family, money, missed opportunities etc. and so their mind is not able to recall God or a mantra. They will be able to do this only if they have practiced detachment and have maintained a routine of remembering God daily. However, relatives can play an extremely helpful role in turning the mind of a dying person towards God. In the days of the final departure they can sit close to their dying loved one and chant the mantras in a calm tone themselves.

This will help focus the mind of the departing person on God. A focus on God is must at the time of departure from earthly realm, as the last thoughts that dominate a person’s mind, determine the course of their next life. Once a loved one passes, prayers should be offered, as these too help guide the departed soul in the after life and give them peace and comfort.

If you are looking for a mantra to chant, the Gayatri Mantra is an extremely beneficial one. It helps one establish a firm inner connection with God, when chanted daily and repeatedly.

You can download the Gayatri Mantra in various ragas (tunes) from our website.

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