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Laws of Manusmriti Regarding Menstruation Are No Longer Applicable (VIDEO)

    In this video I discuss how:

  1. The laws of the Manusmriti, which describe menstruation as a time of sutak (or impurity), are no longer applicable in modern times.
  2. Manusmriti being a Smriti contains many temporary laws which are valid ONLY for certain times & under certain conditions. When these times & conditions change these laws become obsolete and are to be given up. Only then can Hindu society progress. Otherwise it will regress.
  3. We must remember that EVERY custom practiced in the past cannot be blindly imported into the present. Blindly enforcing the custom of not visiting temples during periods / not doing puja during menstruation harms Hinduism tremendously as it damages Hindu women’s self-esteem and pushes several of them towards Atheism.

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Links Referenced in This Video:

  1. TED talk by Arunachalam Muruganantham – How I Started a Sanitary Napkin Revolution
  2. How Can Sanitary Pads Be Made More Widely Available In Low-Income Countries?
  3. All About Hinduism by Swami Sivananda (Free PDF Download)
  4. Swami Vivekananda on Need for Women’s Upliftment in India

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