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God-Realized Sages Have a Tough Time Bringing Mind Down to Ordinary Plane

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Sri Ramakrishna

The enclosed incident has been taken from the book: Ramakrishna as We Saw Him by Swami Chetanananda.

One day I arrived at Dakshineswar, when the Master was having his dinner. A number of bowls containing various cooked items were placed before him.

Someone might have thought this an unbecoming luxury, fit only for a rajasic (worldly) life. The Master at once said: “Well, the tendency of my mind is always towards the Infinite. It is by such rajasic devices that I hold it down to the lower planes. Otherwise I could not talk with you”.

“How strange!” – I said to myself on hearing him. “Others seek to attain Sattva by overcoming Rajas through a rigorous discipline of diet, whereas he has to forcibly check his mind from rising to the sattvic (pure consciousness) plane!”

Once Sri Ramakrishna stood on the semicircular veranda and called: “O Maya, please come”. Gauri-ma was astonished and asked the Master why he was calling for Maya.

Then he explained, that the natural tendency of his mind was to soar to a very high realm, and it was hard to bring it down. He was calling for Maya so that his mind would stay in a lower plane, making it possible for him to help his disciples. This shows, what love the Master had for them.

Credit: Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires.

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