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On Politics: World Powers Should Cooperate & Not Compete or Dominate Each Other

Mother and Sri Aurobindo - World Peace
India ought to be the spiritual leader of the world. Inside she has the capacity, but outside…for the moment there is still much to do for her to become actually the spiritual leader of the world.
– Mother Mirra

The following powerful advice of Mother Mirra on how global powers should behave, has been taken from the book: Words of the Mother – III. Mother’s advice is not just for other countries but it is equally applicable to India and her neighbours.

This is an absolute truth where nations are concerned. If nations, instead of being in perpetual argument about straightforward things and defending their own interests and seeing only their personal viewpoint, that is, the viewpoint of their national personality, if instead of doing all that, they attempted to understand that each nation has a right to live on earth and that it is not a matter of depriving them of this right, but of finding a compromise that would satisfy everyone.

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There is always a solution, but on one condition, not in order to find the solution but to implement it: individuals and nations must have goodwill. If they have no goodwill, if they know perfectly well that they are in the wrong but don’t care, if they insist on their own interests even when they are absolutely wrong, then there is nothing to be done—you can only leave people to their fighting and mutual destruction. But if, on the contrary, there is mutual goodwill, there is always a good solution.

For the Government of India, one thing is to be known — does it want to live for the future, or does it desperately stick to the past?
– Mother Mirra

O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony.
– Mother Mirra

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