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What Will Politics Look Like in Satyug? 5 Transformations Prophesied by Mother Mirra

As we all know politics in many countries including in India and in the United States has degenerated into extreme hate and divisiveness. Selfish politicians pursuing vote-bank politics have fractured the unity of the people and made them utterly intolerant of the views and beliefs of others. By successfully pitting one group of people against another, politicians have ensured that they get re-elected again and again without having to do any real work of bettering the condition of the people.

In the following conversations which are recorded in the book Words of Mother III, Mother Mirra the God-realized sage, highlights with her Avataric fore-vision the problems that plague present day politics, and lists out 5 key transformations that need to be undertaken (and which WILL be undertaken), so that politics and governance, not just in India but across the world, shall begin to conform with the higher consciousness of the descending Satyug (an era of peace and unity across earth).

“If nations, instead of defending their own interests and seeing only their personal viewpoint, attempted to understand that each nation has a right to live on earth and that it is not a matter of depriving them of this right, but of finding a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Individuals and nations must have goodwill for each other. If they have no goodwill, if they insist on their own interests even when they are absolutely wrong, then there will be fighting and mutual destruction. But if, on the contrary, there is mutual goodwill, there is always a good solution.”
– Mother Mirra

A devotee worried about the state of India, once asked Mother:

What Must Be Done to Pull the Nation out of the Difficulty of Political Divisiveness?

Mother Mirra: “We must give the country its true position, that is, the position of relying on the Divine. Naturally, this is at the other end of what people try to believe now. It is to organise the country beyond politics. And it is the only way. In politics it is always fight and ugly fight—ugly.

And it has become so bad. He (Sri Aurobindo) was telling me always that things would become worse and worse, because it is the end of this age (Kaliyug). We are entering into an age (of Satyug) where things must be organised differently. It is a difficult time because of that. Because we know what will come, we can help to make it come sooner and with less turmoil. It is time for transformation. We can’t cling to the past (ways of doing things).

(If you participate in bringing about this transformation), you will have the full support of the Divine Power. For the Power that was behind Sri Aurobindo is also behind this transformation (and is working to ensure its descent).”

In fact the transformation has already been guaranteed by the Divine, the only thing we control is the manner in which it will come about – i.e. whether it will come about with more turmoil or less. Knowing this truth, how do we start to organize the nation and the world beyond hate-filled divisive politics, so that the world has an easier time ascending into the higher consciousness of Satyug? Mother has outlined the following 5 key transformations that must be undertaken (and which WILL be undertaken, as she has pointed out at the end of this article).

1. Party Politics Must End

Mother Mirra: “Politics is always limited by party, by ideas, by duties also — unless we prepare a government that has no party, a government that admits all ideas because it is above parties. Party is limitation; it is like a box: you go into the box.

Of course, if there were some people who had the courage to be in the government without a party— “We represent no party! We represent India” — that would be magnificent. Pull the consciousness up, up, above party. That is truly working for tomorrow. Tomorrow it WILL be like that. All this turmoil is because the country must take the lead, must go above all these old political habits. Government without party. Oh, it would be magnificent!”

2. Wisdom of God-Realized Souls (see Note) Should Guide the World

Mother Mirra: “When I say that the “wise” should govern the world, I am not taking a political point of view but a spiritual one. The various forms of government can stay as they are; that is only of secondary importance. But whatever the social status of the men in power, they should receive their inspiration from those who have realised the Truth and have no other will than that of the Supreme.”

Note: Many God realized gurus have graced the earth in the past, and their spiritual teachings of Oneness and Unity, (which soar above sectarianism, religious narrow-mindedness and intolerance) can form the inspirational guide for those in government.

3. Real Politics Must Be a Clash of Ideas Not Personalities

Mother Mirra: “Completely give up this ordinary vulgar political practice of publicly abusing people either in speech or writing. One should wage a war of ideas so that the truth may triumph, not a war of personalities.”

4. Governments Must Be Honest in Their Dealings

Mother Mirra: “The earth will enjoy a lasting and living peace only when men understand that they must be truthful and sincere even in their international dealings. For the Governments honesty lies not only in saying what they are doing but also in doing what they say.”

“If diplomacy could become the instrument of the Truth and the Divine Grace, instead of being based on duplicity and falsehood, a big step would be taken towards human unity and harmony.

5. Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Mother Mirra: “If you want peace upon earth, first establish peace in your heart.
If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your own being.
If you abolish in yourself the things that are wrong in the world, the world will no longer be wrong.”

So When Will the New Age of Truth and Harmony (Satyug) Dawn?

Mother Mirra: “When men will be disgusted with the falsehood in which they live, then the world will be ready for the reign of the Truth. The future of the earth depends on a change of consciousness. The only hope for the future is in a change of man’s consciousness and the change is bound to come. But it is left to men to decide if they will collaborate for this change or if it will have to be enforced upon them by the power of crashing circumstances. So, wake up and collaborate! Blessings.”

Want to join in the effort to ease in the descent of Satyug? Forward this article to your local and national politicians, so that they can start to implement these 5 transformations in their actions, and thus fulfil the Divine call of helping humanity ascend to the peace and unity of Satyug.

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