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Communalism & China – 2 Threats Which Can Wipe Out Hinduism & Vedic Culture From India

In this video we discuss:

  1. The 2 critical threats highlighted by Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mirra, which can lead not just to a break up of India, but worse still to a complete obliteration of Hinduism and India’s 7000 year old Vedic Sanskriti.
  2. The first of these threats highlighted by them, is the cancer of communal hatred, which has already led to the partition of India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and whose rapid growth within the nation today, is jeopardizing India’s ascendancy into the world as Jagat Guru.
  3. Furthermore, it is this threat of communal hatred, which will act like a magnet, to attract the 2nd even bigger danger and that is an invasion by Communist China, which will result in a complete wiping out of Hinduism and the Vedic Sanskriti from India.

Books & Articles Referenced In This Video

  1. VIDEO: Universe Arising from Vibrations of Consciousness
  2. The Consciousness Conundrum Facing Science (Part 1 of 4)
  3. The 15th of August 1947 Message by Sri Aurobindo
  4. Bhawani Mandir by Sri Aurobindo
  5. The basic significance of Mao’s Tibetan adventure Quote of Sri Aurobindo
  6. FREE BOOK: Ideal of Human Unity (Vol 25) by Sri Aurobindo
  7. FREE BOOK: Words of Mother I
  8. FREE BOOK: Mother’s Agenda Volume 12
  9. The Great Divide – The Violent Legacy of India’s Partition by William Dalrymple

“The idea of two nationalities in India (that all the Mohammedans in India are descendants of foreigners) is only a new-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussulmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves.”
– Sri Aurobindo

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