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Shocked by Someone’s Bad Behaviour? The SAME Negative Quality Is Lurking in Us Too!

Everything that shocks me in others, means a work I have to do in myself - Mother Mirra, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

A very, very deep quote from Mother. What it means is as follows:

Suppose we buy a nice car and our friend becomes jealous. We feel shocked! “How can she feel so jealous of my success? She is a bad person.”

But what Mother is saying is that when something shocks us in others, it means that the SAME bad quality exists somewhere within us too.

It could be hidden in our own nature in a different form and we may not be aware.

While we may not feel jealous of another person’s success (because we ourselves are successful), we may fall sick one day and then we may feel a jealous tinge when we see other people healthy.

So ALWAYS in spirituality, we must examine our own selves and see what negative qualities are hiding within us, which we are unaware of, and ROOT them out aggressively.

So next time something shocks you in others, look within and you will find it lurking in your own nature somewhere out of sight.

This one little quote, is a really profound teaching of Mother Mirra. One line such as this, from God-realized sages is enough to transform our life and hasten our progress towards God, if we implement it seriously.

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