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Palmistry Genuine or Fake?

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A devotee once asked Mother Mirra for her views on Palmistry. Here is what she said, emphasizing that for those who pursue a spiritual life, a higher destiny starts to overtake and supersede the lower destiny predicted by palmistry.

Mother Mirra: Horoscopes have no importance for those who take up yoga (the yoga of transforming one’s inner self), because the influence that works through yoga is much more powerful than the influence of the stars.

Palmistry is a very interesting art, but it depends for its exactitude and truthfulness almost entirely upon the real ability (i.e. intuitive faculty) of the one who practises it. Moreover, it relates only to the material destiny and this destiny can be altered by the intervention of the higher forces (i.e. Divine Grace).

Mother Mirra, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

How Does Divine Grace Change Our Karmic Destiny?

When someone makes a mistake, serious or not, this mistake has consequences in his life, a ‘Karma’ which must be exhausted. The Divine Grace, if you call upon it, has the power to abolish that karma, to cut short the consequences – but the Grace can only do this when the fault is not repeated.

When one does not repeat one’s past mistakes, the divine power, the power of the Divine Grace, abolishes their consequences – their karma – in the being. But as long as mistakes are repeated nothing can be abolished, because one re-creates them at every minute.

The past can be completely purified and cleansed, to the point of having no effect on the future, but on condition that one does not keep making it into a perpetual present.

One shouldn’t think that one can continue to commit the same stupidities indefinitely and that indefinitely the Grace will cancel all the consequences, it does not happen like that! You yourself must stop the bad vibration in yourself; you must not go on reproducing the same vibration indefinitely.

Source: The Mother: Questions & Answers 1957-1958 and Mother’s Agenda Volume 2, 1961

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