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I Have Verified My Past-Life Memories & Found Them to be Accurate

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Some persons remember more than others, because they have developed a greater ability to retain the facts of their experiences. A minister who had lived and preached in Boston for many years had a sudden loss of memory.

Oblivious of his name and profession, he moved elsewhere and remained for three years in his new environment, working as a grocery clerk. Then one day he suffered a blow on his head; the shock revived his consciousness in that tract of his brain which was connected with the past, and he remembered his real identity.

The memory of your past lives has vanished similarly from your mind. If all the brain cells were awakened, you would be able to remember everything. I recall many of my past incarnations.

It is not mere belief; one can test such memories of the past, and I have verified these recollections. Quite a few people have heard me mention a previous life in which I lived for many years in England. Experiences of that life come clearly to my mind.

There were certain details about the tower of London that I remembered very well, and when I went there in 1935 I saw that those places were exactly as I had seen them within. From childhood I knew also that in one incarnation I had lived by the ocean.

As a little boy I used to see in my mind’s eye many places and events of that incarnation. When I spoke of these things some laughed at me, but they don’t laugh now. I was able to prove to them that those past-life experiences I had seen inwardly as a child were factual.

If you are calm, and concentrate deeply enough to attain the state of cosmic consciousness, you can recall the very faint etchings of all past experiences, for each one has been recorded in your brain.

The habits you cultivated in past lives have substantially created your physical, mental, and emotional makeup in this life. You have forgotten those habits, but they have not forgotten you.

Out of the crowded centuries of your experiences, your karma follows you. And whenever you are reborn, that karma, consisting of all your past thoughts and actions and habits, creates and kind of physical form you will have – not only your appearance, but your personality traits.

It is these individually created past-life patterns that make one person different from another, and account for the great variety of human faces and characteristics. The very fact that you are a woman or a man was determined by your self–chosen tendencies in previous lives.

Source: The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda.

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