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Worrying Will Not Solve Problems

Worry only aggravates the problem, it does not solve it.

The following advice of Paramahansa Yogananda is for those of us who tend to worry a lot. It has been taken from the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Many people come to me to talk about their worries. I urge them to sit quietly, meditate, and pray; and after feeling calmness within, to think of the alternate ways by which the problem can be solved or eliminated. When the mind is calm in God, when the faith is strong in God, they find a solution to their problem.

Merely ignoring problems won’t solve them, but neither will worrying about them. Meditate until you become calm; then put your mind on your problem and pray deeply for God’s help. Concentrate on the problem and you will find a solution without going through the terrible strain of worry….

“Meet everybody and every circumstance on the battlefield of life with the courage of a hero and the smile of a conqueror. You are a child of God. What have you to fear?”
– Paramahansa Yogananda

Remember, greater than a million reasonings of the mind is to sit and meditate upon God until you feel calmness within. Then say to the Lord, “I can’t solve my problem alone, even if I thought a zillion different thoughts; but I can solve it by placing it in Your hands, asking first for Your guidance, and then following through by thinking out the various angles for a possible solution.”

God does help those who help themselves. When your mind is calm and filled with faith after praying to God in meditation, you are able to see various answers to your problems; and because your mind is calm, you are capable of picking out the best solution. Follow that solution, and you will meet with success. This is applying the science of religion in your daily life.

No matter how busy we are, we should not forget now and then to free our minds completely from worries and all duties….Try to remain for one minute at a time without thinking negatively, fixing the mind on the peace within, especially if worried.

Then try to remain for several minutes with a quiet mind. Following that, think of some happy incident; dwell on it and visualise it; mentally go through some pleasant experience over and over again until you have forgotten your worries entirely.

“In life and death, in disease, famine, pestilence, or poverty may I ever cling to Thee. Help me to realize I am immortal Spirit, untouched by the changes of childhood, youth, age, and world upheavals.”
– A prayer by Paramahansa Yogananda

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