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Patrata: Krishna & Sudama | To Receive Divine Boons, Give God Something (VIDEO)

How can we make ourselves worthy enough to receive the Grace and the Boons of the Divine such as Shaktipath and Kundalini awakening? In this video we visit the answer to this question, through the touching story of Lord Krishna and his friend Sudama, which is outlined in the Srimad Bhagavatam (also known as the Bhagavata Purana).

Through this story the Srimad Bhagavatam underscores for us, the fundamental importance of deepening our Patrata, by scooping out and surrendering (i.e. giving up) to God our negative ego driven qualities of selfishness, greed, lust, anger etc. It is only when we thus empty out and cleanse our inner nature of its deep-seated Tamasic and Rajasic tendencies, that the Grace and the Boons of the Divine such as Shaktipath and Kundalini awakening can flow in, and speed us forward towards the goal of God-realization and Soul-realization in Samadhi.

FREE Book Referenced In Above Video

The above video references the book Champaklal Speaks by Champaklal Maharaj, who was a direct disciple of Sri Aurobindo & Mother Mirra.

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