Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 3: 3rd Reason Sri Ramakrishna Did Not Cure His Cancer – To Usher Descent of Satyug from Subtle Realm

In this video we visit the third and the most important reason why Sri Ramakrishna chose not to cure his cancer and instead gave up his body in Samadhi and withdrew into the subtle realm.

Book Referenced In This Video

  1. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 6

I believe that the Satya Yuga (Golden Age) will come when there will be one caste (i.e. all humanity will be treated equally), one Veda (i.e. people will realize the spiritual truths by which the Universe is permeated and there will be no fights over religion), and peace and harmony. This idea of Satya Yuga is what would revivify India. Believe it.
– Swami Vivekananda

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