Devotees of great God-realized sages do not have to verbally communicate their wishes. Such sages can easily read their secret unexpressed desires, even when the devotee is located far away. This truth was concretely experienced by Major-General V.N.Parameswaran Pillai, when Sri Ramana Maharshi not only read his deepest hidden wishes, but also arranged the circumstances for their fulfillment.

As noted in the book: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi (Incident #119) – In 1936, I was a Captain in the Travancore State Forces and an A.D.C. to His Highness the Maharaja. His Highness and the Royal Mother went to Madras from where they paid a visit to Sri Ramanasramam. When the Maharaja returned, I wondered whether it was not my bad luck that I was not taken as A.D.C. on that tour.
In the meantime, one morning my friend Narayana Pillai, the Controller of Stationery told me that he was starting for Sri Ramanasramam the next day and asked whether I would like to join him. I was, however, not confident of getting permission from His Highness at such short notice. A few hours later, when I reported for duty at the palace, His Highness said, of his own accord, that if I wanted to visit Sri Ramanasramam I could go with Narayana.
This sudden and unexpected permission made me speechless for a few seconds. Narayana and I reached the Ashram. He being a frequent visitor, accommodation was no problem. We proceeded to the hall for Bhagavan’s darshan. The hall was almost full with visitors. As we entered, the scene brought to my memory, slokas from Dakshinamurthi Stotra. I felt as if Dakshinamurthi Himself was reclining on the couch.
Bhagavan noticed us, and after a while he sat up and beckoned me. We did not know whom he was summoning. I was a stranger, Narayana thought he was being called and he got up. Bhagavan signaled ‘No’. When I was pointed out and the Maharshi nodded assent, everybody was surprised and became curious about me. I was also surprised.
After I prostrated he beckoned me to come nearer and gazed at me for a while and smiled. Then he told his attendant, “Bring that book”. It was brought and the Maharshi presented it to me. It was a Malayalam translation of the Maharshi’s Tamil book the Gitasaram. I was overwhelmed with joy and devotion.
Then it was time for the midday meal. In the dining hall the Maharshi asked me to sit in the opposite row, just facing him. While eating, he enquired tenderly, how was the food? and so on. He also said, take enough rice, curry, eat slowly, etc. Throughout he was talking to me only. This made others wonder who this favoured one might be. I felt that it was all due to some merit accumulated in past lives.
“Omniscient as he is, the Maharshi understands the heart of every one”, this belief of mine was confirmed (not only for myself but also for Narayana in the following way). Narayana was a regular visitor to the Ashram, but the Maharshi had never spoken to him. When I received such favours from him, it was natural for Narayana to feel that there was something lacking in him. The Maharshi could easily understand this. The same day he presented a book to Narayana also and made him feel gratified.
MORE Posts on the Yogic Powers of God-Realized Sages:
- VIDEO: How God-Realized Sages Read Other People’s Mind – 3 Conversations with Mother Mirra that reveal how Yogis can accurately read the thoughts, feelings & emotions of not just people but also of animals.
- VIDEO: When Sarada Ma Cured a Devotee’s Illness by Appearing in his Dream – A glimpse into the process by which God realized Yogis such as Ma Sarada Devi, use their Prana Shakti to cure people without ever meeting them.
- When Sri Aurobindo Cured a Cat of a Scorpion’s Sting – Can animals meditate? Can animals be reborn as human? The spiritual answer explained via a real-life incident by Mother Mirra, Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
- The Incredible Powers of a Himalayan Yogi – A spell-binding tale of a British army officer’s encounter with a Himalayan Yogi, who was the store-house of incredible spiritual powers.
- How Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Guru Guided Him Through An Astral Body – A story from the life of Shriram Sharma Acharya demonstrating that a guru need not be present in the physical body to guide a deserving disciple.
- VIDEO: Reincarnation | MIND Accompanies the Soul After Death – It is a little known fact that the mind accompanies the soul after death, because of which it is possible for people to remember their past lives.