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Face the Troubles But Keep Yourself Steady in Meditation

sri ramana maharshi, meditation advice, disturbances while meditating
“Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi

Mrs. and Mr. Kelly, an elderly couple from America, and others of their company desired to know what they should do to gain concentration in face of discomforts of sitting and the sting of mosquitoes, etc.

Sri Ramana Maharshi replied: “The discomforts will not worry you if your concentration is right. Do not mind the discomforts. Keep your mind steady in meditation. If you have not the strength and endurance to bear mosquito stings how do you hope to gain realisation of the Self? Realisation must be amidst all the turmoils of life. If you make yourself comfortable and go to bed you fall asleep. Face the troubles but keep yourself steady in meditation.”

Source: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk # 150

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