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Soul is Not Limited by Space & Time – When Maharshi Gave Details of a Beach He Never Visited

The Self (Soul) is an Omnipresent (present everywhere) & Omniscient (all-knowing) reality. Sri Ramana demonstrated this very truth to his disciples by revealing the details of a beach he had never visited.

Ramana Maharshi, Omnipresence of Soul, Omniscience of Soul, Soul is beyond space and time, space and time exist in the mind
“What is time? The interval between two states is called time. A state cannot come into being unless the mind calls it into existence. The mind must be held by the Self (soul). If the mind is not made use of there is no concept of time. Time and space are in the mind but one’s true state lies beyond the mind. The question of time does not arise at all to the one established in one’s true nature.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi

A couple from Peru, who had heard of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s greatness, came to the Ashram. Being poor they had to save enough money for a few years to become deck passengers (on a ship). To the couple, the Maharshi’s presence on earth seemed the second coming of the Christ himself and they longed to see him.

One evening when they sat before Ramana Maharshi, the talk turned to Peru. The couple was describing the seacoast and beach of their town.

Just then Maharshi remarked, “Is not the beach paved with marble slabs, with coconut palms planted in between? Are there not marble benches in rows facing the sea, and did you not often sit on the fifth of those with your wife?” This remark came as a great astonishment to the couple and they were at a loss to understand as to how the Maharshi could know such minute details.

Ramana Maharshi smiled and remarked, “It does not matter how I can tell. Enough if you know that the Self is not limited by space and time.”

As noted in the book: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi (Incident #115)

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