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NO Recordings of Swami Vivekananda’s Voice Exist | Fake Audios Exposed!

This video debunks the numerous clips circulating on YouTube and WhatsApp that claim to contain the “Real Voice of Swami Vivekananda”. A rigorous analysis not only exposes the fakeness of these audio recordings but also highlights the fact that the technology to record Swami Vivekananda’s actual voice live – as he delivered his famous speeches at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, did not even exist in the year 1893!

Articles & Books Referenced In This Video

  1. Audio Recording of Swami Vivekananda’s 1893 Chicago Address is Fake by Soumyadip Ghosh (
  2. Swami Vivekananda’s Voice Recording – Fake Audios Debunked by MS Nanjundiah, Vedanta Kesari Magazine, August 2010
  3. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volumes 1 to 9
  4. Subscribe to the Vedanta Kesari Magazine

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