Discover Advaita Vedanta

The Rotten State of Hinduism to Reform which Sri Ramakrishna the Avatar, Took Birth (VIDEO)

In the enclosed video we discuss the utterly degraded condition into which the Hindu religion had fallen by the 1800s, which necessitated the arrival of an Avatar like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, to turn the tide and restore Hinduism back to its Vedantic health and vitality.

The reason for the downfall in Hinduism was that through the Middle Ages horrific customs had crept into the Hindu religion, which were directly opposed to the noble teachings of the scriptures. These included the caste system, child marriage, polygamy and also the practice of Sati in which helpless widows were often burnt alive on the funeral pyre of their husbands.

So in this video we shall dive deep in order to fathom the extent of degradation and loss of vitality suffered by the Hindu society through the Middle Ages. A direct consequence of which was that India fell into a prolonged period of slavery under foreign rule – first under Islamic invaders and later under the British.

Now once we have grasped the extent of degradation suffered by Hinduism, we will then be in a position to appreciate the tremendous work Sri Ramakrishna did to put the derailed train of Hinduism back on track for ascendancy towards Satyug (topic of upcoming video) – an act which ultimately resulted in the freedom of India.

Articles & Books Referenced in This Video

  1. Hideous Injustices Suffered by Lower Castes in India – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. Practice of Karma Yoga by Swami Sivananda
  3. God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita (Volume 1) by Paramahansa Yogananda
  4. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 6
  5. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 5

“Shankara left this Advaita philosophy in the hills and forests (i.e. with sannyasins who lived in the mountains and forests), while I have come to bring it out of those places and scatter it broadcast before the workaday world and society. The lion – roar of Advaita must resound in every hearth and home, in meadows and groves, over hills and plains. Come all of you to my assistance and set yourselves to work.”
– Swami Vivekananda

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