Discover Advaita Vedanta

I Meditate Yet Have NO Spiritual Experiences – So Are Swami Vivekananda’s Teachings Wrong? (VIDEO)

“I meditate, I practice Raja Yoga, yet have no spiritual experiences. Does this mean that Swami Vivekananda’s teachings are not true? Was he brain-washing me?” Someone asked me this question.

Actually in order to test the validity of the Vedanta teachings of Swami Vivekananda, one does not need ANY spiritual experiences. We can easily test their validity in our day to day life itself.

In this video, I discuss how I applied the Samata teaching of the Gita, as explained by Sri Aurobindo, to overcome fear of gory sights (wounds, injuries, blood etc.) that I routinely see, in my work with stray cats.

This process of verification is so powerful that it naturally leads to the development of shraddha – a deep conviction and faith in one’s guru and his/her teachings. Once this shraddha develops in us, we can climb higher and gain some spiritual experiences.

What is the Proof of Vedanta? How Do We Know God & Soul Exist? – In this video we discover how Vedanta is not based upon blind belief, but on realization -on actually experiencing reality first hand i.e. Pratyaksha.

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Apart from uplifting people morally and spiritually, these Rishi teachings also provide crucial support to those dealing with loss of loved ones, anxiety, worry, suicidal thoughts etc.