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Though She Lived Like an Ordinary Housewife, Sarada Ma Was a God Realized Sage & Avatar

Many people mistake Sarada Ma to be an ordinary housewife, because she kept herself so much in the background. Appearances however are quite deceiving. In reality Sarada Ma was a great God-realized sage & Avatar. The enclosed excerpt showcasing this truth has been taken from the book, Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother by Swami Tapasyananda.

Before she left Brindavan, she also did the circumambulation of the whole town and its suburbs connected with Sri Krishna’s life – a pious act involving a walk of many miles, which she accomplished without any difficulty in spite of the rheumatism in her leg.

In the course of her walk, Yogin-Ma and her companions noticed that she was observing the road and surroundings very carefully and that she was stopping all of a sudden at certain places.

They understood that the memories of certain associations were driving her mind to states of spiritual absorption. But when questioned, she said nothing except asking them to go forward.

That the Holy Mother had, during those days, many spiritual experiences that brought great transformations in her personality is certain, but she would not reveal anything about it to others.

One day, however, her companions found her absorbed in Samadhi in her residence at Kala Babu’s house. She remained in that state for a long time. Yogin-Ma tried to bring down her mind by repeating the name of the Lord in her ears, but it produced no effect.

Afterwards Swami Yogananda came and tried the same process, which brought her mind to a state of semi-conscious experience of the world. Then she said, as Sri Ramakrishna used to do on similar occasions, “I will eat something”, whereupon some sweets, water and betel were placed before her.

She partook a little of each as Sri Ramakrishna used to do. Even in taking the betel, she threw away its tip in the manner of the Master. Swami Yogananda put to her several questions in that mood, and received replies from her as if the Master himself were answering him.

After she came down to the plane of physical consciousness, she told her companions that the consciousness of the Master was upon her during that state.

Credit: The Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires has graciously provided us with the above excerpt. They have a Facebook page as well, which devotees can follow.

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