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Help! I’m Scared of Ghosts | Top 10 Questions About Ghosts Answered (VIDEO)

After the watching the last 2 videos on the topic of ghosts (see here and here), a few readers got quite frightened and some others emailed me questions about ghosts that they wanted addressed.

So in this video I have attempted to answer the bulk of questions about ghosts and life after death that I received. A small set of questions on the “Importance of Shraddh” (Prayer Ceremonies for the Departed) is still pending, and I shall address it later, in another video.

So if you are scared of ghosts, if you fear that spirits are lurking in the dark and they may hurt you, then do go through the entire video. It will help you overcome your fear of ghosts by providing you with a rational understanding of the process of life after death, as explained by the great gurus of Vedanta.

Links to FREE Books and Articles Referenced in this Video

  1. Life Beyond Physical Death by Shriram Sharma Acharya
  2. Life Beyond Death by Swami Abhedananda
  3. What Becomes of Soul After Death by Swami Sivananda
  4. Pitar Hamare Adrishya Sahayak by Shriram Sharma (Hindi, ~50MB file)
  5. Invisible Helpers by C.W. Leadbeater
  6. Books by John Edward (Not free, must be purchased)
  7. A Dead Sailor and a Suicide Beg Swami Abhedananda for Help
    (Both incidents are outlined in the Appendix of the book Life Beyond Death)
  8. The Mother: Questions & Answers: 1954 + Words of Mother, Volume 2
  9. The Master as I Saw Him by Sister Nivedita
  10. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volumes Volume 3 & Volume 7

More Posts in the “Ghosts” Series:

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