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Swami Vimalananda writes: “While living in the Baranagore Math, Swamiji was taken ill, and it was necessary in the interest of his health to leave the city. His brother monks, set upon restoring Swamiji to health, collected a few rupees to pay his passage to Shimultala, about 200 miles northwest of Calcutta.
One day as Swamiji was going to eat his meal, he saw some poor people anxiously waiting at his door. Upon enquiry, he came to know that they were waiting for the water that the rice was cooked in to satisfy their hunger. 😲😲 Swamiji immediately gave his meal to them and returned to Calcutta.
“Swamiji could not bear to see others suffering. One day Swamiji had to go to the other end of the city on some business. He took with him his tram fare, probably an anna, and left home. As he was about to step into the car, a man in distress came to him and asked for help. Swamiji immediately gave him what little money he had which in those days of suffering meant a good deal and walked to his destination.”
Source: Various Facets of Vivekananda by Swami Chetanananda.
From this article we can see how shockingly poor people were in Swami Vivekananda’s time. These people were not even begging for plain rice. That was too much to hope for. They were instead, begging for the starchy-water in which rice is boiled, which is later discarded. Can you imagine how desperately hungry people were in Swamiji’s time?
So understanding this situation, we can see why Swami Vivekananda suggested that people become strong & healthy by eating fish (which was freely available in Indian rivers), eggs and chicken (which too villagers could easily raise). Could a famished people possess the strength to overthrow physically fit British occupiers? Furthermore, could the weak really understand the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita?
When the body is so emaciated, how could the mind be strong? This is why Swami Vivekananda, advocated that people eat non-vegetarian food and become healthy. He told them to play football and become physically fit. Only then would they possess the required doggedness & the courage to free themselves from slavery. Only by gaining freedom would Indians truly understand the “stand up for righteousness & overthrow despotic rulers” teaching of the Bhagavad Gita.
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