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Great Avatars Maintain a Presence in the Subtle Realm After Death

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On 5th December 1950, Sri Aurobindo gave up his physical sheath. In the enclosed excerpts Mother Mirra explains how we sadhaks must never feel that the great Avatars and gurus like Sri Aurobindo have left us and so we can no longer avail of their blessings and guidance.

This is a fallacy in our thinking, because gurus such as Sri Aurobindo, even after leaving their physical body continue to maintain a presence in the subtle (or causal) realm, for the sake of their devotees and guide sincere aspirants from there.

This truth is valid not just for Sri Aurobindo but for all other Avatars and sages who have graced planet earth, such as Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Shriram Sharma Acharya, Swami Sivananda and many more. In fact after giving up his body, Swami Vivekananda guided Sri Aurobindo in certain aspects of his sadhana, as has been documented by Sri Aurobindo himself.

The below compiled words of loving reassurance have been taken from Mother Mirra’s book: Words of the Mother – I (Volume 13). They have been assimilated from her notes and correspondences with disciples, who were grieving after Sri Aurobindo left the body.

“Sri Aurobindo is constantly among us and reveals himself to those who are ready to see and hear him.”
– Mother Mirra to disciples, after Sri Aurobindo gave up his physical body

“Today is the first day of Sri Aurobindo’s centenary year. Though he has left his body he is still with us, alive and active.”

– Mother Mirra, 15 August 1971

“We must not be bewildered by appearances. Sri Aurobindo has not left us. Sri Aurobindo is here, as living and as present as ever and it is left to us to realise his work with all the sincerity, eagerness and concentration necessary.”

– Mother Mirra, 15 December 1950

“To grieve is an insult to Sri Aurobindo who is here with us, conscious and alive.”

– Mother Mirra, 14 December 1950

“He is always with us, aware of what we are doing, of all our thoughts, of all our feelings and all our actions.”

– Mother Mirra, 18 January 1951

“Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there.”

– Mother Mirra, 13 August 1964

“Last night, we (you and I and some others) were together for quite a long time in the permanent dwelling-place of Sri Aurobindo which exists in the subtle physical (what Sri Aurobindo called the true physical).”

– Mother Mirra, 1 February 1963

“Sri Aurobindo, immense and very concrete (in the subtle physical), was sitting over the whole compound during the meditation.”

– Mother Mirra, 28 August 1962

“(During sleep a sadhak had a vision of Sri Aurobindo in his subtle physical body living in the subtle physical world. He sent a report of his vision to Mother, who replied:)

Sri Aurobindo shows himself according to the need of each one and in the subtle physical the things are not as fixed as they are here. Attach more importance to the feeling produced by the vision than to details of what you have seen.”

– Mother Mirra, 5 December 1967

“Sri Aurobindo is constantly in the subtle physical, very active there. I see him almost daily, and last night I spent many hours with him. If you become conscious in the subtle physical you will surely meet him, it is what he called the true physical.”

– Mother Mirra, 21 December 1969

“The help of Sri Aurobindo is constant: it is for us to know how to receive it.”

– Mother Mirra, 15 August 1971

“Sri Aurobindo is always with us, enlightening, guiding, protecting. We must answer to his grace by a perfect faithfulness.”

– Mother Mirra, 15 August 1971

“Sri Aurobindo is always present. Be sincere and faithful. This is the first condition. Blessings.”

– Mother Mirra, 29 September 1971

“When Sri Aurobindo left his body he said that he would not abandon us. And, in truth, during these twenty-one years, he has always been with us, guiding and helping all those who are receptive and open to his influence.

In this year of his centenary, his help will be stronger still. It is up to us to be more open and to know how to take advantage of it. The future is for those who have the soul of a hero. The stronger and more sincere our faith, the more powerful and effective will be the help received.

– Mother Mirra, 2 January 1972

“What Sri Aurobindo represents in the world’s history is not a teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme. He has come to bid the earth to prepare for its luminous future.”

– Mother Mirra, 14 February 1961 & 15 August 1964

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