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Mother Mirra’s Vision of China Invading India & Their Horrendous Capacity of Brutality

The below possibility of an invasion of India by China was seen in a vision by Mother and Sri Aurobindo. It was for this reason that they warned Indians to stay united and to not weaken themselves by dividing along communal lines (Hindu-Muslim). The 2 sages clearly saw that the aims of Communist China are extremely malicious.

It was to counter China’s hegemonic intentions that the Divine forces have envisioned a reunification of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other nations back into Akhand Bharat. It WILL happen…it’s just a matter of time. For if India perishes under a Chinese invasion, then Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan etc. too will be wiped out. They don’t stand a chance. Everything will go the way of Tibet. The entire South Asia, it’s culture and it’s heritage will be obliterated.

But the Divine will NOT let this happen. And we must support the Divine’s WILL by staying UNITED. For South Asian nations to preserve their individual cultures and history, they will have to come together in a united opposition (perhaps along the lines of the European Union) to China. This is the only option.

Mother Mirra’s Vision of China Invading India

“But already quite some time ago I saw China invading India, even South India. And that’s the worst of catastrophes — the Chinese don’t have a psychic being.”

(Note: Here Mother means that they don’t have a conscience i.e. any sense of morality, ethics or empathy, which comes from the mind being in touch with the soul. In many of the Chinese people the mind is so covered up by layers of cold-heartedness that they are not in touch with their soul. This is evident in the brutal ways in which they killed many Indian troops in the recent confrontation in Ladakh. Many Indian troops were pushed off high cliffs, sent to a plunging death in the river below, others were bludgeoned to death with batons studded with nails – all this in a border zone where troops on both sides, were by law, supposed to carry no weapons).

“And so one can expect ANYTHING from them — every possible horror. To be under Chinese domination …it’s better to die first. They are…from the point of view of sensitivity, they are monsters.”

“I’ve seen them — all, everywhere … horrible! I’ve seen the Chinese in this room. Which is the end of everything. I mean, it will probably take centuries before things can return to normalcy. You see, there are limits to the horrors men can commit because, in spite of everything, there is a psychic being behind that curbs them — but the Chinese don’t have one.”

Source: page 132-33 – Mother’s Agenda, volume 12 , 12th May – 1971

Ma Durga is Protecting India

However despite Mother’s above vision, we must not fear, for the Divine is safe-guarding India. Just before the last Indo-China war in 1967, the air was similarly thick with rumours of a possible danger of a crisis for India. Was India going to be invaded by China and subjugated by a foreign power once again? India was no doubt big and had ample resources in manpower. But her manpower was little more than that of a rabble, it lacked the cohesion of organised military strength.

The question was put to the Mother at the Playground. The Mother gave a smile and pointing to the map of India (Akhand Bharat) on the wall, said:

“Can’t you see who is guarding India? Isn’t the north-eastern portion of Kashmir a lion’s head with its jaws wide open? (Its nozzle projects with wide open mouth facing the front as if ready to swallow up anyone who dares to come). It is the lion of Durga.”

Source: The Chinese Occupation of Tibet

The lion-head of Durga can be clearly seen in this map of Akhand Bharat before which Mother Mirra is seated. Mother is so seated to emphasis that this reunified map IS going to be the Future – for it has been WILLED by the Divine.

Ma Durga’s Protection Will Work ONLY if We Also Do Our Part

So what must we do to retain this Divine Protection of Mother Durga? As Sri Aurobindo has said in his 1947 speech on the eve of India’s partition along religious lines – we must stay united and give up all communal, caste, language and inter-regional animosity.

“But the old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest.”

“India’s internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that that may come about naturally, by an increasing recognition of the necessity not only of peace and concord but of common action, by the practice of common action and the creation of means for that purpose.”

“In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form—the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and WILL be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India’s future.”

Source: Sri Aurobindo in his 15th August, 1947 Message

Communalism & China – 2 Threats Which Can Wipe Out Hinduism & Vedic Culture From India

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