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On the Road to Samadhi Any Yogic Powers That Arise Must Be Shunned | Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings on the perils of exercising occult powers and why he did not use them to cure his throat cancer.

This video is a continuation of our “Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna” series. In it we visit Sri Ramakrishna’s advice to sadhaks regarding yogic powers. These powers which are alternatively known as psychic or occult powers, naturally begin to manifest within a sadhak, as his or her sadhana (spiritual practice) matures and the sadhak makes deeper and deeper forays towards the goal of God-realization (Samadhi).

As these yogic powers manifest, many sadhaks typically get caught up in trying to exercise and utilize such powers. However as Sri Ramakrishna has amply cautioned in this video, genuine devotees of God instead of utilizing such yogic powers, should instead forcibly ignore, reject and shun them. There are 2 sound reasons for this, which have been outlined by Sri Ramakrishna and enumerated in this video. Upon going through these reasons, we would have gained the necessary perspective based upon which we can proceed to further discover:

  1. The real reason why Sri Ramakrishna did not utilize occult powers to cure his throat cancer, despite possessing numerous such capabilities.

  2. The 2 qualities that separate genuine gurus from fakes.

  3. And finally, how genuine gurus do not abandon their disciples after death, but continue to guide them across multiple lifetimes until they attain to Moksha.

All this covered in this video!

FREE Books of Sri Ramakrishna Referenced in This Video

The above video references two books. The first is the Ramakrishna Kathamrita by Swami Abhedananda, and the second is the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by Mahendranath Gupta or “M”.

Both these books record the same day-to-day teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Swami Abhedananda’s book is merely a shorter, abridged version of the original, longer and more detailed one by Mahendranath Gupta. In fact it was Mahendranath Gupta, who first jotted down the teachings of his guru in the Bengali language, as he heard them being spoken by Sri Ramakrishna during his many visits to Dakshineswar.

Mahendranath’s Bengali notes were later translated into English by a couple of people, one of whom was Swami Abhedananda, another great yogi and direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.

VIDEO: All Religions Are True, All Lead to the Same God | Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna – Sri Ramakrishna outlines the Advaita Vedantic truth that the various religions are simply different paths leading to one and the same ocean of God.

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