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Swami Vivekananda Had the Power to Bestow Samadhi Upon Others

“This is what I mean by meditation – the soul trying to stand upon itself, when it is thinking of itself, residing in its own glory.”
– Swami Vivekananda

The enclosed fascinating conversation between Swami Vivekananda and a disciple, has been preserved in the book: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 5.

Disciple: Do you remember, Swamiji, one day, before you took Sannyasa, we were sitting in the house of—, and you were trying to explain the mystery of Samadhi to us.

And when I called in question the truth of your words, saying that Samadhi was not possible in this Kali Yuga, you emphatically demanded: “Do you want to see Samadhi or to have it yourself? I get Samadhi myself, and I can make you have it!” No sooner had you finished saying so than a stranger came up and we did not pursue that subject any further.

Swami Vivekananda: Yes, I remember the occasion.

Later, on my pressing him to make me get Samadhi, he said, “You see, having continually lectured and worked hard for several years, the quality of Rajas has become too predominant in me.

Hence that power is lying covered, as it were, in me now. If I leave all work and go to the Himalayas and meditate in solitude for some time, then that power will again come out in me.”

The above excerpt has been published here by the Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires.

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