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“Do You Protect Me, or Do I Protect You?” A Profound Spiritual Experience of Swami Vivekananda

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When Swami Vivekananda had finished his trip to America and returned to India, he undertook a pilgrimage to the Himalayas. In the course of his pilgrimage Swami Vivekananda travelled to the temple of Kshirbhavani, near Srinagar, in Kashmir, where he had a profound spiritual experience. This spiritual experience has been documented in the book: Vivekananda – a Biography. The incident is as follows:

In Kashmir Swami Vivekananda retired to a temple of the Divine Mother, where he stayed alone for a week. There he worshipped the Deity, known as Kshirbhavani, following the time-honoured rituals and by praying and meditating like a humble pilgrim.

Every morning he also worshipped a brahmin’s little daughter as the symbol of the Divine Mother. And he was blessed with deep experiences, some of which were most remarkable. He had a vision of the Goddess and found Her a living Deity. Now this temple had been destroyed long ago by Muslim invaders, and the idol of the Divine Mother was placed in a niche surrounded by ruins.

Surveying this desecration, the Swami felt distressed at heart and said to himself: ‘How could the people have permitted such sacrilege without offering strenuous resistance? If I had been here then, I would never have allowed such a thing. I would have laid down my life to protect the Mother.’

Thereupon he heard the voice of the Goddess saying: ‘What if unbelievers should enter my temple and defile my image? What is that to you? Do you protect Me, or do I protect you?’

Kshir Bhawani temple near Srinagar in Kashmir where Swami Vivekananda worshipped the Divine Mother. The temple’s name is derived from the term kheer (rice pudding) that is offered to Mother as prasad. The temple is situated in the middle of a spring, whose waters change colours with the seasons.

Referring to this experience after his return, he said to his disciples: ‘All my patriotism is gone. Everything is gone. Now it is only “Mother! Mother!” I have been very wrong…I am only a little child.’

Another day, in the course of his worship, the thought flashed through the Swami’s mind that he should try to build a new temple in the place of the present dilapidated one, just as he had built a monastery and temple at Belur to Sri Ramakrishna.

He even thought of trying to raise funds from his wealthy American disciples and friends.

At once the Mother said to him: ‘My child! If I so wish I can have innumerable temples and monastic centres. I can even this moment raise a seven-storied golden temple on this very spot.’

‘Since I heard that divine voice,’ the Swami said to a disciple in Calcutta much later, ‘I have ceased making any more plans. Let these things be as Mother wills.’

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