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Do We Have Free-Will?

The enclosed incident has been taken from the book: Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play by Swami Saradananda.

One day in Dakshineswar we had a long discussion with Swami Niranjanananda, a friend of ours, about whether human beings have free will; then we went to the Master for the definitive answer. The Master listened to us debate for a while and was amused.

He then said seriously: “Is there any free will for anyone? Everything is happening and will happen eternally by God’s will. People understand this eventually.

Let me give you an example: Here is a cow tied to a post with a long tether. She can walk one cubit from the post or up to the whole length of the tether.

A person ties a cow with the intention of allowing her to lie down, stand, or move around as she likes within that area. Man’s free will is also like that.

God has given some power to human beings and has also given them the freedom to use it as they wish. That is why people think they are free. But the rope is still fastened to the post.

Let me tell you, if anyone intently prays to God, He can move that person to another place with the same stake, or extend the rope’s length, or even take the tether away completely”.

At this, we asked: “Sir, is it not then in human hands to practise spiritual disciplines? A person might simply say: “Whatever I do is according to God’s will””.

The Master replied: “What good does it do to say that?

One may say: “There is no thorn, no pricking; but one still cries out when one’s hand is pricked by a thorn. If practising spiritual disciplines were at one’s discretion, everyone would practise them. Why don’t they do it? If you don’t properly use the power God has given to you, He won’t give you more.

That is why one needs self-effort or perseverance. Look, everyone has to make some effort. Only then can one attain God’s grace. When one makes the effort, by God’s grace ten lifetimes of suffering are finished in one lifetime. But one must make some effort, even while depending on Him.”

Conclusion: Man thus has LIMITED free will. While existing in the ordinary human consciousness our free will is limited, like that of a goat tied to a tether. It is only when we ascend to the highest state of God-Consciousness, that we get infinite free will. At that point our individual will becomes ONE with the Divine’s Will, and only then is it absolutely free. Such a God-Realized person can even will entire Universe’s into existence! So infinitely free is their will.

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