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Disciple (Ashwini Kumar Dutt): “How Can I Realize God?”
Sri Ramakrishna: “Well, He is always drawing us as a magnet draws iron. Only when the iron is covered with dirt, it is not attracted. As soon as the dirt is washed off the mind, it is instantly drawn to him.”
“Look here, only crying ‘hemp’ will not bring intoxication. You must get the hemp, rub it in water and drink it. You have to live in the world. So have your mind highly intoxicated with the thought of God. While you are at work, let that feeling of inebriation be with you. Be in the world, give Him power of attorney, make over all your responsibilities to Him. Let Him do as He likes.“
Summary: So what Sri Ramakrishna has explained here is that intoxicating the mind with relentless and steady devotion to God, and maintaining this firm faith in God through all the ups and downs of life is the best way to reach God. We as devotees must surrender our ego, our worries, our anxieties all at His feet and let God steer our boat of life.