The enclosed teaching of Swami Vivekananda has been taken from the book: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 4.
You who have read the Gitâ see all through the book that the one idea is non-attachment. Remain unattached. The heart’s love is due to only One.
To whom? To Him who never changeth. Who is that One? It is God. Do not make the mistake of giving the heart to anything that is changing, because that is misery.
You may give it to a man; but if he dies, misery is the result. You may give it to a friend, but he may tomorrow become your enemy. If you give it to your husband, he may one day quarrel with you.
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You may give it to your wife, and she may die the day after tomorrow. Now, this is the way the world is going on. So says Krishna in the Gita: The Lord is the only One who never changes. His love never fails.
Wherever we are and whatever we do, He is ever and ever the same merciful, the same loving heart. He never changes, He is never angry, whatever we do.
How can God be angry with us? Your babe does many mischievous things: are you angry with that babe? Does not God know what we are going to be? He knows we are all going to be perfect, sooner or later.
He has patience, infinite patience. We must love Him, and everyone that lives — only in and through Him. This is the keynote. You must love the wife, but not for the wife’s sake. “Never, O Beloved, is the husband loved on account of the husband, but because the Lord is in the husband.”
The Vedanta philosophy says that even in the love of the husband and wife, although the wife is thinking that she is loving the husband, the real attraction is the Lord, who is present there.
He is the only attraction, there is no other; but the wife in most cases does not know that it is so, but ignorantly she is doing the right thing, which is, loving the Lord.
Only, when one does it ignorantly, it may bring pain. If one does it knowingly, that is salvation. This is what our scriptures say.
Wherever there is love, wherever there is a spark of joy, know that to be a spark of His presence because He is joy, blessedness, and love itself. Without that there cannot be any love.
Posted here by the Instagram page swamivivekananda_inspires.