The following article has been excerpted from the essay: Reflections on the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Atulananda of the Ramakrishna Mission. His essay appeared in the Prabuddha Bharata Magazine in November 2003.
Practice is necessary to succeed in meditation. We must try again and again. If we fail, that is nothing; we must try again. In that way, little by little, we will grow strong and self-controlled. Great results come even from a little practice, if only persisted in.
Recall the story of the little bird who tried to empty the ocean by carrying a few drops of water in its beak. The bird had left its eggs on the shore and during its absence the ocean had rolled in and swallowed the eggs.
Returning and not finding its eggs, the bird was very angry and resolved to get back the eggs and at the same time to punish the ocean by pouring out its water with his beak and two wings.
First his little wife tried to dissuade him pointing out the helplessness of his state, he a little bird not being a match for the mighty roaring ocean.
But after being reproved by her husband, she being a loving wife began to assist her husband in carrying off the water, a few drops at a time. Day and night they laboured, but they made little or no headway.
Other birds came and teased them for their folly, but they were simply told to cooperate with them or go their way. But finally they all joined in the work. At last Narada, the divine sage, in his wanderings came to the spot where the birds were.
Seeing their firm resolve and patient effort, Narada told the birds to invoke Garuda’s help. At the sight of the mighty Garuda, the celestial bird, the ocean began to tremble with fear and in great haste returned the eggs to the birds.
Thus we must be at our efforts to meditate untiringly and patiently. Then help comes from all sides just as it came to the birds. Even monkeys came to help Rama rescue Sita. As a lion never retraces his steps once he has set out on his path, so man should never abandon a good undertaking, great or small. Then success is secured. Great is his reward who perseveres in meditation. Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:
“With the mind made steadfast by habitual meditation, not moving towards anything else, fixed in the Supreme resplendent Purusha (God), O Arjuna, one goes to Him.”
– Bhagavad Gita (Shloka 8.8)
That is called abhyasa yoga: the constant practice of meditation, the repetition of one idea, uninterrupted by any other thought, with reference to God. With the mind thus totally engaged in yoga, not passing over to any other object, the yogi who mediates according to the teaching of the scriptures and of the guru, reaches the Purusha, that is the divine Spirit (God).
Meditation makes the mind calm and removes its restlessness. This is a very difficult and advanced practice to think of God without allowing the mind to wander away. There are so many things to claim our attention; the world is calling from all sides. Still, only by such practice is God, the resplendent Purusha, reached.
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#1 TIP to Meditate Successfully – Cultivate One-pointed Devotion for God, Just as Kunti Did for Sri Krishna – To succeed in meditation the mind’s waverings have to be controlled by increasing one’s devotion to God, to the level Queen Kunti had for Sri Krishna.