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The Tremendous Play of Maya

The following thoughts on Maya have been taken from the book For Seekers of God by Swami Shivananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.

Maya the Delusionary Power

This world is ephemeral; it lasts for a few days only. What a trouble it is to be here! And still, how strange it is that people become so engrossed in this momentary existence! They become so mad after the fleeting happiness of this world that they entirely forget the real aim of life. Such is the play of Maya that deludes the world.

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How Do We Escape Maya? What is the Way Out?

The only way to escape Maya is through renunciation. Nothing can be achieved without renunciation. That is why the Upanishads declare: “It was through renunciation that some rare souls attained immortality (i.e. they escaped the bounds of Maya).” It is through renunciation alone that one can become immortal.

Yoga and Bhoga – union with God and sense-enjoyment – cannot go together. One cannot get any taste of the bliss of Brahman unless one gives up the happiness of this world (i.e. attachment to sense enjoyments).

Sri Ramakrishna drew a true picture of the world in a few simple words: The world consists of lust and lucre (or “woman and gold”, in his own homely phrase). It will not do to have mere external renunciation; one must eradicate from one’s very mind any desire for “woman and gold”. Tulsidas also says: Rama cannot be where kama (passion, lust) is. One must give up the desire for all worldly enjoyment if one wants to realize God.

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