What happens when we die? Is there life after death? Does memory persist after death? What about individuality? In this video we visit the Vedantic answers to these questions as explained by the God-realized sages: Swami Vivekananda, Swami Abhedananda, Swami Sivananda and Sri Aurobindo.
This video is the first of a 3 part series which details 12 key Vedantic truths about death. This particular video covers the first 5 of these truths.
Articles & Books Referenced In This Video
- Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volumes 1 to 9
- Bhagavad Gita – Translation and commentary by Swami Sivananda
- Bhagavad Gita – Translation and commentary by Swami Chinmayananda
- Life Beyond Death by Swami Abhedananda (Free download)
- Letters on Yoga – I by Sri Aurobindo (Free download)
- What Becomes of Soul After Death by Swami Sivananda (Free download)
- Self-Knowledge by Swami Sivananda (Free download)
- All About Hinduism by Swami Sivananda (Free download)
More Posts in the “Death” Series:
- VIDEO: Part 2: Understanding Death – Departed Do Not Vanish, Remain With Us Like the Living – This video answers: What are the subtle causes that bring about death? Where do the departed reside after death? Why is Shradh performed in Hinduism?
- VIDEO: Part 3: Understanding Death – No One Dies, So Do Not Grieve – In this 3rd video we visit the last 2 Vedantic truths which emphasize the importance of maintaining balance & equanimity of mind at someone’s passing.