Discover Advaita Vedanta

Vedanta on God – Universe Arising from Vibrations of Consciousness (VIDEO – Part 3 of 4)

Now in Part 2 of this series, we have seen that many eminent scientists such as Stephen Hawking have arrived at the conclusion that there is no spiritual agency, such as God or soul, present in the cosmos. And therefore, these scientists have turned to the domain of matter, to search for the origins of consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo highlighting the fundamental tenet of Vedanta Philosophy, that it is Consciousness (and NOT matter), which forms the Ultimate reality in the Universe.

This conclusion of science, from the perspective of India’s Vedanta Philosophy is entirely premature and wrong.

According to Vedanta, not only does God exist, but matter is not the source of consciousness. Instead the truth is completely the opposite! It is consciousness which is the source of matter!

In the video enclosed below, we take a fascinating and detailed look at the scientific position on God and the Universe and compare it with the Vedantic view, which has been arrived at by the ancient sages of India, in the meditative states of expanded super-consciousness.

Other Posts in “Consciousness ” Series:

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