The Smriti’s are texts which give the moral code of conduct for people to follow. Different Smriti’s have been written by our Rishis for different times.
Today the old Smriti’s such as Manusmriti are obsolete. Their code of conduct cannot be followed in present modern times. (See below video)
There is a need for a new Smriti. The Ramakrishna Mission has therefore compiled this new Smriti from Swami Vivekananda’s teachings.
Vivekananda Smrtih — A Code of Law for the Modern Age
Vivekananda Smrtih – is a well-researched compilation of Swami Vivekananda’s ideas on national, social, spiritual, religious and humanistic issues. Swamiji’s ideas have been rendered into Sanskrit in style of ancient works.
It can be purchased from the Advaita Ashram